I used to love going round my Nan’s, to see her and spend time with her. Listening and sharing stories with each other, watching my favourite TV shows, or movies. Whenever my parents were busy they took me round either my Grandma’s and Grandpa’s place, or my Nan’s. From what I can remember, nothing horrible happened when I was over at Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house. But I can remember something bad had happened when I was at Nan’s. I call it…the bungalow statue.

It was at a time when I did not go to school, least I think so, anyhow, whenever I slept over at my Nan’s bungalow; a small, single-storey house. I watched a dark figure, standing tall over a fence, just beyond my Nan’s garden. Whether this happened in a year or a set of years, my memory is foggy. All I can remember was the horrible, malevolent presence I felt. Even though it wasn’t looking at me, my feelings told me otherwise. At night it appeared as a silhouette, easily be mistook for as a tree. However, in the day, it was a statue. I couldn’t really make it out, or who it was. But it stood there, in another bungalow’s garden, with its back facing our bungalow.

One night, when I was sleeping over, I observed it through a set of glass doors. Whenever I stayed over for the night, I slept in a room that was between a central room that lead to other areas of the bungalow such as the kitchen, living room, bathroom and my Nan’s room. This other one was the conservatory, so I had a pretty good view of the garden, and this conservatory was the only thing that stood in the way of myself and the outside. My eyes were fixated on this statue, in the midst of a blue, moon-lit night, I could see it sticking out. I closed the curtains that draped over the glass doors. Waited. Then took another peek — nothing. It was still there.

In the morning that followed, I woke up, it was a brand new day and I was looking forward to eating breakfast. Scrambled egg with sweetcorn, how my Nan made it. It was delicious. Nan checked up on me to see if I was well and if I had a good sleep.

“I’m fine Nanny, thank you”, I said.

She went off to carry on with her daily chores whilst I got up to get ready. Before going to the bathroom too brush my teeth. I move the curtains ajar…the statue had moved. It wasn’t looking at me, but turned on its side, watching something. Of course, even though it was looking that way, I could feel its eyes on me. It knew I was watching. Shocked, disturbed even, I forced it to the back of my mind and thought nothing more of it. I carried on with the day, eventually returning home. Until I came back to stay round Nan’s again.

Me and my Nan did the usual thing, share stories, have a laugh here and there, watch TV, eat and drink, then bedtime. My pajama’s were laid out on the bed and I gladly hopped into them. The table lamp was on and I made sure I was comfortable. It felt really cosy to be in this bed. This lamp was of an old design, and had a small button on it that you had to push in too turn it off. As I did, the room became dark and I closed my eyes to sleep. Then an image of that statue rammed itself into my mind, and made me wonder. Curious to see if there was a change. Certainly I wouldn’t be able to tell as it was really dark outside, still, I decided to take a look. My fingers slipped in between the curtains, pulled them apart, so that my eye can sneak through. Nothing. From what I could tell it was in the same position, turned on its side. Still watching me.

The next day came, Nan came in to see me, I got dressed, and before brushing my teeth. I open up the curtains. The statue stood there, exactly in the same position. On its side. Confused, yet at the same time, relieved.

“Maybe it has always been like that…and its my imagination playing tricks on me!”, I thought. Then spun to head towards the bathroom — and stopped after two steps. I turned back again to look at the statue. I didn’t notice it at first. I stared, relentlessly. It had gotten closer. Still on its side, but closer. Close to the fence.


“Yes, what is it?”

I pointed and looked at her.

“Has that statue moved?”

She looked, examined, and thought nothing of it.

“Its always been like that, are you sure you’re not imagining it? Come on, get ready, your favourite breakfast is getting cold”

It got to the point where this statue started weighing heavily on my mind, and now whenever I stayed at Nan’s place, it haunted me. Time whizzed by, and I was back at Nan’s. Another sleepover. This time for two days, I believe. My table lamp was on, it was midnight and I was getting ready for bed. It was calming to have the light on, so I left it. I didn’t check on the statue that night as I just wanted to sleep.

Morning arrived with its bird choir and there excessive tweeting. Nan didn’t check up on me this time, she must have been busy. I could hear the kettle boil though. Regardless, I jumped out of bed, opened the curtains and expected to see it on its side…it was looking at me. Whether it possessed any eyes, I couldn’t tell, but I knew it was facing me. I wanted to tell Nan, but I didn’t want to get her mad. So I left it and carried on. One more night to go.

Once that night came, I had the table lamp on, cosy in bed, and held tight onto the pillow. I managed to fall asleep. Later on I awoke, something brought me out from my unconscious state. I noticed the lamp light was off. Nan must have done it when I was asleep. My eyes stared into the darkness of the room, then focused on the moonlight that seeped around the edges of the curtains. I listened, for every noise that was made; a click, my Nan’s snoring, the constant ticking of the clocks in the central room. A sudden sound came from the direction of the conservatory…a tapping. My heart pounded and my mind became sharp. I flicked the table lamp on, and sat at the edge of the bed for a good minute or two.

Tap, tap, tap

There it was again.

Tap tap tap

Slowly, I dropped my feet onto the floor, and made my way over, ever so carefully as to not make a sound myself. My breath was held back. I reached the curtains and laid my ear against them.

Tap, tap…tap

I slipped a finger in and moved a curtain aside for my eye to get clear look. It was a full-moon that night, and in that light I could see a huge, dark figure up against the window of the conservatory. It was right there in front of me!

No longer in its garden, it was here. The conservatory was the only thing that stood in the way. I could see no eyes, no discernible features. My feelings were soon overwhelmed. I could sense its dark nature. My heart pumped faster, my breath grew rapid, and that flight or fight response kicked in.


I screamed…


My Nan ran in to see what the heck was going on. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Tears swelled in my eyes, I cried.

“It’s the statue Nan, it’s right there!”

She hurried over, drew the curtains apart and saw for herself.

“There’s nothing there you silly muppet. Were you having a nightmare?”

I looked again and she was right, it wasn’t there anymore. It was back in its garden.

“I couldn’t have been imagining it, could I? That’s impossible”

For the rest of that night I slept in Nan’s bed, and hid under the sheets, and found further protection — especially with my Nan beside me. As dawn rose, the statue was back in its original position — with its back against us. My parents came to pick me up. I told them I won’t stay round Nan’s anymore if those people don’t get rid off that statue and made a massive deal about it. Fortunately, my Nan managed to get in contact with the owners and they were so kind in removing the statue. I could sleep peacefully whenever I was over at Nan’s now. To this day I haven’t seen the bungalow statue ever since.

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