There he sat on a chair shaped as if it were a sunbed, with bottle in hand, suited up in a metallic box of an environmental suit, head and face exposed, and a brown dwarf star held up half-way on the horizon’s edge. It was very close, like a giant button mixed with pinkish and purple hues. Bright, yet dim enough for the reign of night, that, and probably due to a thin atmosphere, a pink to black sky stood over him. Starless.
A ring surrounded him and the structure behind his back. It was built into the ground and glowed a blue-turquoise colour, from this, it produced an energy field that was then formulated into an air-tight, pressurised dome. No foreign air could enter, neither radiation nor heat or cold or any other weather condition such as rain, heavy winds, snow, lightning etc. Inside he was shielded from all the elements. Not that he had to worry about rain or heavy winds due to the lack of atmosphere as well as the planet’s barren surface.
Plains upon plains of nothing but cold sand and jagged rock formations that stuck out of the world like spikes. Barely, though enough to glimpse them…were buried ruins of long-forgotten cities. The man did not know them, nor were they his people, he couldn’t remember much; being alive for many millenniums. As far as he knew, this place was great to hunker down onto. Because to be frank, least in his vicinity, there was nowhere else to go.
He took a sip from the bottle.