You like to read? So do I, come, behold the digital expanse of where stories across space and time, coalesce.

Category: Stories Page 3 of 5

The “Quickdraw”

The story on how Bett claimed his second gun.

Somewhere amidst the independent systems, is a rather secluded system (meaning that their are uninhabited systems surrounding it), an L-type dwarf star; smaller than a red dwarf and possesses a dimmer red, so dim that it made the asteroid belt in this system difficult to navigate. However, one chunky rock in particular houses a base known as the IBHC (Institute of Bounty Hunting Contracts), professionally…casually it’s Hunters Rock. The rock is lit with lights, enough for it to stand out.

Most if not all legendary bounty hunters and wannabe hunters had flocked to this rock. The institute was built by a group of aspiring businessmen, crude in their mannerisms, yet because of their tenacity and ways with persuasion, they had succeeded and laid down a foundation that most hunters follow to this day than they ever had before. A sense of order permeated the constant flux of chaos.

The Last Bounty

Space-time folds over the ship in a blink of an eye. A moment ago it was in the Trellisius system, now, it’s here in the Wiive system, heading for Lowii; the only lively planet in the system.

“This is Bett here, I’ve entered the system and en route to Lowii”

“Excellent, you will find the target in The Real Lowii’s Bar, take a look at the dossier if you need reminding”

“Oh no I’m good, pretty hard to miss a tall, limping Jyl when all of them are normally midget sized. But thanks”

“Contact me when the job is done”

Bett searches for the Real Lowii’s Bar, whether that’s true or not he doesn’t know. No one knows what happened to the guy. But what everyone knows is that the bar serves shitty drinks. The customers it receives is its local community, whoever flies to get a drink from there is either desperate, hiding, challenging themselves or absolutely delusional.

Face In The Bush


Chairs screeched back from their tables as we got up to grab our things and leave. Our teacher reminded us about homework but no one really paid attention as we were all giddy to go home. The halls were filled to the brim with other kids who bustled back and forth, I just wanted to get out, so I wiggled, dodged and shoved by.

At the time I believe my friends were waiting for me, yet as soon as I came outside I didn’t find them. They weren’t there. I looked but they never entered my sight. Surely they had waited for me?

Nevermind, I would see them again tomorrow anyway, and no I couldn’t text or ring them as I had no phone at the time, which I would get once I became ten years old (next year). Instead, home it was and not the park. Shame, I was up for some play, that, and it was a sunny day.

Most of the evening I was on my xbox and played Halo Combat Evolved, a great game, one of my favourites. Then, after dinner their was homework. I recalled the teacher who reminded us. Reluctantly I switched my console off, swept my pen of the desk and began to write. Maths…ugh, even at first glance my head banged. The hours dragged by and most of it involved a long, distant stare, I was lost and stuck…and bored. I gave it a break and turned my gaze onto the outside world. My eyes wavered across our street through my bedroom’s window. That was when I came upon it…


Phase-Space Drive engaged

Multiple destinations are now available, waiting for input…

My Screenshot captured in SpaceEngine

Here you will find the list of stories currently, old ones will be found towards the bottom and the newest at the top.

The Battle Of Halitheyyya

Halitheyyya was where I trained to become a soldier of the Unity Empire — and on one fateful day, with rifle in hand, ready to shoot upon a set of targets on the firing range; my buddy at my side turned to speak…


My face was covered in a warm substance, my eyes closed out of reflex. I knew what it was yet I sent a hand across my face and opened my eyes.

‘Blood’, I thought.

On the ground lied my buddy, his head strewn by, what I had glimpsed, a green beam. Smoke wisped from the area of impact, it had been blown to bits and the man’s blood soaked into the sun-lit snow. I ran for cover whilst other soldiers in the vicinity did the same, whereas others legged it to the main base. Unfortunately, a select few were shot. Alarms rang, sirens howled and the commanding officers all began to bellow orders. I edged my head round the corner to glare at wherever this sniper was. No sniper stood in sight, only snow and rocky outcrops…and fighters. A swarm of them soared down and fired a barrage of plasma upon us and the base. The AA guns became the first defense to fall. Explosions filled the air and shook the ground. Then, from the last wave of fighters, my eyes lifted and fixed onto a singular object. A massive starship came and broke through Halitheyyya’s atmosphere. A kind of vessel I had never seen before, no one had at that time. More fighters spawned out from that thing, so many waves.

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