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The Seven Lords of Draako

“Lilish, go find Thex. He wants you to go over the hill with him”


“Yes — now pick up your tail and go, and may the seven lords guide you both”

“Yes, mother”

The little reptilian girl did what she was told, she picked up her tail and roamed about the place, packed her things into a bag…double checked to see if she had everything.

“My necklace!”

The little girl picked up her necklace of stone and crystal off from her bed. She had laid it there, earlier. She checked again; food, drink, cowls, binoculars, map and the necklace.

“Good, got everything”, she thought. Then proceeded outside where a bright sky became too much for her sight to handle.

Lilish raised a hand to give her eyes a moment to adjust. A warm, soft sky greeted her, where two suns hovered and gave there light to lush land she stood on.

A shadow climbed over her, blotted out the suns, and gave her eyes respite.

A Night On Casanova



The man’s head exploded in a flash of green light. His body slumped to the ground. His killer holstered the silver gun he had discharged.

“God dammit!”

He searched the man’s body and found security access card, although he wasn’t certain what for. He tapped away on his wrist-pad. Before he could do a call it glitched, again. He never had an issue till now. Soon enough it fixed itself.

“It’s Bett…the target didn’t even say anything. He just fucking begged. Only thing I got was an access card…keep it? Oh, so he was a computer specialist assigned to the vault?Anyhow, do you have any more leads?”

Bett spoke to his benefactor, one that sounded like a man, yet with a feminine undertone — it was ambiguous. He couldn’t figure out which. That wasn’t the important thing, however. Being paid was. Here in the far reaches of space, this could be his biggest payment by a million (literally).

“Scarlet? Nova bomb? Redlight dis — yes I’ve fucked a woman before!”

The Red-Skinned Demon

Midnight drew close over my neighbourhood. I brushed my teeth, got into my pajamas and prepared for bed. Rain poured outside. I heard it through the gap of my window that was ajar, only by a little, enough for the wind to come in as well. A cold breeze brushed my vulnerable cheek — I laid on my side. It was Winter and I forgot to close the window fully. I could not bother to do it, nor could I ask my Mum or Dad. Instead, I laid there, under my duvet and bathed in the warmth it provided.

For a time my eyes were open. I listened to the noises that came through the night. A creak in the floorboards, a tapping inside the walls, a water drop from a tap inside the bathroom; which was only a few steps away from my room. As well as the muffled noises that came from the TV, downstairs. My parents were watching there usual programmes.

Then I heard a footstep that came from the direction of my room’s doorway. I faced the wall so I couldn’t see if it was anyone, or just another sound. Although my eyes glared, to scared to turn around and look. My mind brushed it aside, and I decided to close my eyes in order to get some sleep — perhaps I simply imagined it. However, that was not the case. There was a second step, then a third, and a fourth…It felt so close. I drew the duvet over me to the point I was completely submerged. Out of sight. This did not deter it though, as more steps were taken. I froze at the sound of breathing…it was right behind me.

Bungalow Statue

I used to love going round my Nan’s, to see her and spend time with her. Listening and sharing stories with each other, watching my favourite TV shows, or movies. Whenever my parents were busy they took me round either my Grandma’s and Grandpa’s place, or my Nan’s. From what I can remember, nothing horrible happened when I was over at Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house. But I can remember something bad had happened when I was at Nan’s. I call it…the bungalow statue.


It was 17:15pm, they were stuck on the I-91 highway. Hot, irritated and glazed with sweat. It had been a beautiful day with clear blue skies, a bright sun loomed, and of course, that sweet summer air… hours ago that was. Now, they crawled under a fiery, ash-filled sky, torn as if it was assaulted by a hundred unwanted guests. Noah drove on.

Inside the car next to him was a woman who lied unconscious with dried blood that had ran down her face. He was dressed in a light blue linen shirt, navy blue tie, black trousers; ripped and covered in soot. The woman wore a checkered shirt, blue jeans; also torn and sooted. Both appeared to be in their mid-thirties.

“Sergeant, what can you tell us?” An interviewer asked on the radio.

“We know that our weapons do jack-shit to their shields! Fuck, our infantry have a better chance at killing a few of them. Their armour is tough but with a dozen well-placed shots it can crack”

“How about you sir, anything?”

“Err, yes, well I believe we are dealing with a sort of extraction process here. My colleagues and I noticed that the two alien forces are attempting to take control of Earth for its resources, primarily deuterium….”

Kzzzzzzzz, weeeeeewooooooo

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