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Category: Stories

The First Kenjiin

“A blade is only a piece of metal, harmless, when in no ones hands. As with any other weapon. On there own…they are nothing. But when wielded by a force, it has the potential to be many things”, says Kenjiin.

“Like what Master?”

“A sharp knife that cuts to the truth, a tool that can wreak destruction, an instrument for diplomacy, instills fear and salvation…it becomes dangerous! Which is why it is no toy, understand?”

The master held the blade in his hands, it was sheathed in its scabbard. His student looked upon it with eager eyes, a mere child, who only saw it as a new toy instead of a weapon, despite his master’s explanation. The man laid it down upon a flat rock. Then they sat.

“Meditate with me”


It’s sixty degrees celsius, cloudy skies, with a big bright sun (a supergiant in actuality) looming over a charred land; coated in sand dunes. The heat does not bother the two reptilian men, however. Of course their suits help greatly, though being cold-blooded also has its advantages. Their tails waver quite highly- meaning that they’re content. Deresius finishes fueling up his plasma torch and starts torching alongside Ulas.

He had been paired with the man, his newest friend, stripping down a crashed cruiser of some ancient design. They met each other on Kjazeen-Po, a space station that prizes itself on ores, lethal weapons, beverages, drugs and scrap. This was about two months ago, Ulas attempted to haggle more than he could bargain for. To his fortune, Deresius passed by and caught onto this. Together they got five hundred credits extra.

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