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Tag: Aliens

Those That Lurk In Ursa

He stood there with his morning coffee, to the same view he has seen for thirty years. It was thirty one actually as today was the anniversary of his employment, on this post. Over those years he had progressed from an ensign to commanding officer of this post. The old commander had to retire at some point, who also had a soft spot for this, at the time, young man. At fifty-eight, he may very well do the same.

The edge of his cup reached the man’s lips, and sipped. His eyes, as well as most of the man’s front body. were coated in bright blue. Beyond the observatory from whence he gazed shone a blue star, Epsilon Ursae Majoris (a.k.a. Alioth); a star that belonged to the Ursa Major constellation. No planets, no spatial anomalies, no traffic. Silence.


It was 17:15pm, they were stuck on the I-91 highway. Hot, irritated and glazed with sweat. It had been a beautiful day with clear blue skies, a bright sun loomed, and of course, that sweet summer air… hours ago that was. Now, they crawled under a fiery, ash-filled sky, torn as if it was assaulted by a hundred unwanted guests. Noah drove on.

Inside the car next to him was a woman who lied unconscious with dried blood that had ran down her face. He was dressed in a light blue linen shirt, navy blue tie, black trousers; ripped and covered in soot. The woman wore a checkered shirt, blue jeans; also torn and sooted. Both appeared to be in their mid-thirties.

“Sergeant, what can you tell us?” An interviewer asked on the radio.

“We know that our weapons do jack-shit to their shields! Fuck, our infantry have a better chance at killing a few of them. Their armour is tough but with a dozen well-placed shots it can crack”

“How about you sir, anything?”

“Err, yes, well I believe we are dealing with a sort of extraction process here. My colleagues and I noticed that the two alien forces are attempting to take control of Earth for its resources, primarily deuterium….”

Kzzzzzzzz, weeeeeewooooooo

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