Long, dark and dusty corridors shaped into a trapezium awaited me every corner I took. It was a maze. Unlike the pyramids I had ventured into…my legs trembled where they’d stood, my mind pondered on the place where I’d entered in hope of climbing back out, however, all my eyes could see was what I had described at the beginning.
This was no ordinary pyramid as the structure was built upside-down. A pyramid that pointed down into the earth. My team and I did not know whether it was built into the ground or stood high supported by other structures and simply buried over time.
Why? We do not know either, of what or whom it entombed. But I’ve looked for a very long time by going on vague rumours, old documents, tales known only by a few and lastly; faded dreams. The information gathered pointed us to the black desert of Egypt (where else would a black pyramid be?). Those who had the dreams spoke of two statues on each side of the pyramid, one statue took the form of a crocodile whereas the other was a… snake. Both statues represent one being, one that I had not expected to be adorned with such luxury. A deity not praised; but despised.