A gush of liquid down towards the end of a metal junction could be discerned. Inside this compact room a copious amount of steam had blanketed the area to a stifling degree; there was someone behind the obscured glass-encased unit. Judging from the person’s relaxed stature, they seemed to be not bothered in the slightest.

With a squeak the sound had stopped, and the steam began to dissipate over a matter of minutes as the ventilation system kicked in. More of the bathroom revealed itself, a lean-muscled man emerged, bald, clean-shaven and had one or two wrinkles here and there. His blue-eyed gaze landed upon a pile of clothes on the floor; a navy vest, dark beige industrial trousers multilayered with pockets and dog tags hidden between the folds.

A hand reached out for one of the towels, and with swift strokes and gentle pats he dried himself, got dressed, then proceeded down the metal junction lined with pipes and data terminals.

The door he approached slid open, before him was an array of consoles from left to right, a couple seats as well as a canopy. The cockpit. Beyond the glass of the cockpit was a view of extraordinary proportions; mass fields of giant grass, curved beech-like trees with leaves of a turquoise nature, stalks that hanged weird fruits or flowers of small to humongous sizes, rivers that flowed with a distinct red or dark pink water, and vast mountains in the distance. The sky was also of an odd purple hue decorated with long strikes of white clouds, and a gas-giant up high that swirled with a concoction of dark brown, white and a minty tone. Like a mint chocolate, though not to consume as it coursed with storms of untold magnitude and not of the creamy, sugary taste one might desire. Ironically, a stark black cup situated on a blank space amidst all the buttons and dials was half-empty, with a brown liquid that bubbled.