It was 17:15pm, they were stuck on the I-91 highway. Hot, irritated and glazed with sweat. It had been a beautiful day with clear blue skies, a bright sun loomed, and of course, that sweet summer air… hours ago that was. Now, they crawled under a fiery, ash-filled sky, torn as if it was assaulted by a hundred unwanted guests. Noah drove on.

Inside the car next to him was a woman who lied unconscious with dried blood that had ran down her face. He was dressed in a light blue linen shirt, navy blue tie, black trousers; ripped and covered in soot. The woman wore a checkered shirt, blue jeans; also torn and sooted. Both appeared to be in their mid-thirties.

“Sergeant, what can you tell us?” An interviewer asked on the radio.

“We know that our weapons do jack-shit to their shields! Fuck, our infantry have a better chance at killing a few of them. Their armour is tough but with a dozen well-placed shots it can crack”

“How about you sir, anything?”

“Err, yes, well I believe we are dealing with a sort of extraction process here. My colleagues and I noticed that the two alien forces are attempting to take control of Earth for its resources, primarily deuterium….”

Kzzzzzzzz, weeeeeewooooooo