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Tag: Scary

Face In The Bush


Chairs screeched back from their tables as we got up to grab our things and leave. Our teacher reminded us about homework but no one really paid attention as we were all giddy to go home. The halls were filled to the brim with other kids who bustled back and forth, I just wanted to get out, so I wiggled, dodged and shoved by.

At the time I believe my friends were waiting for me, yet as soon as I came outside I didn’t find them. They weren’t there. I looked but they never entered my sight. Surely they had waited for me?

Nevermind, I would see them again tomorrow anyway, and no I couldn’t text or ring them as I had no phone at the time, which I would get once I became ten years old (next year). Instead, home it was and not the park. Shame, I was up for some play, that, and it was a sunny day.

Most of the evening I was on my xbox and played Halo Combat Evolved, a great game, one of my favourites. Then, after dinner their was homework. I recalled the teacher who reminded us. Reluctantly I switched my console off, swept my pen of the desk and began to write. Maths…ugh, even at first glance my head banged. The hours dragged by and most of it involved a long, distant stare, I was lost and stuck…and bored. I gave it a break and turned my gaze onto the outside world. My eyes wavered across our street through my bedroom’s window. That was when I came upon it…

The Red-Skinned Demon

Midnight drew close over my neighbourhood. I brushed my teeth, got into my pajamas and prepared for bed. Rain poured outside. I heard it through the gap of my window that was ajar, only by a little, enough for the wind to come in as well. A cold breeze brushed my vulnerable cheek — I laid on my side. It was Winter and I forgot to close the window fully. I could not bother to do it, nor could I ask my Mum or Dad. Instead, I laid there, under my duvet and bathed in the warmth it provided.

For a time my eyes were open. I listened to the noises that came through the night. A creak in the floorboards, a tapping inside the walls, a water drop from a tap inside the bathroom; which was only a few steps away from my room. As well as the muffled noises that came from the TV, downstairs. My parents were watching there usual programmes.

Then I heard a footstep that came from the direction of my room’s doorway. I faced the wall so I couldn’t see if it was anyone, or just another sound. Although my eyes glared, to scared to turn around and look. My mind brushed it aside, and I decided to close my eyes in order to get some sleep — perhaps I simply imagined it. However, that was not the case. There was a second step, then a third, and a fourth…It felt so close. I drew the duvet over me to the point I was completely submerged. Out of sight. This did not deter it though, as more steps were taken. I froze at the sound of breathing…it was right behind me.

Bungalow Statue

I used to love going round my Nan’s, to see her and spend time with her. Listening and sharing stories with each other, watching my favourite TV shows, or movies. Whenever my parents were busy they took me round either my Grandma’s and Grandpa’s place, or my Nan’s. From what I can remember, nothing horrible happened when I was over at Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house. But I can remember something bad had happened when I was at Nan’s. I call it…the bungalow statue.

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