Space-time folds over the ship in a blink of an eye. A moment ago it was in the Trellisius system, now, it’s here in the Wiive system, heading for Lowii; the only lively planet in the system.

“This is Bett here, I’ve entered the system and en route to Lowii”

“Excellent, you will find the target in The Real Lowii’s Bar, take a look at the dossier if you need reminding”

“Oh no I’m good, pretty hard to miss a tall, limping Jyl when all of them are normally midget sized. But thanks”

“Contact me when the job is done”

Bett searches for the Real Lowii’s Bar, whether that’s true or not he doesn’t know. No one knows what happened to the guy. But what everyone knows is that the bar serves shitty drinks. The customers it receives is its local community, whoever flies to get a drink from there is either desperate, hiding, challenging themselves or absolutely delusional.