A veil of mist floats whimsically above him, his eyes can just about make out the clouded white sky. As the little man moves an arm, it hits something solid. Rotating his head to see, he flaps a layer of mist away and discovers a body lying next to him. Prodding it. The person doesn’t move an inch.

‘Hello’, the little man whispers. Though that didn’t acquire a reaction either.

Darting those tiny black eyes around, something unnerving reveals itself, more of the mist began to dissipate, not entirely, but enough for him to see a land littered with bodies. Leaning up to get a further look, yes, the land is covered in bodies. Presumably dead. Checking his face, good, he still has his helmet on. Memories are beginning to return…he came here with a battalion of soldiers to capture a strategic point on the planet. This planet of poisonous gases, swamps, bogs and forests. A planet that is under the control of the Confederacy, the enemy. Clearly his battalion’s objective in taking that strategic point had failed.