‘Command, this is Light-Blazer, we’re ready to proceed’

‘This is Command, everything appears to be green across the board on our end, prepare for pre-flight checks’

‘Copy, disengaging from docking station delta. Moving to designated co-ordinates, over’

The ship’s wings spread, its thrusters burst with furious fire, pushing its sleek, metallic body through space and to the staging point.

‘Well dear, this is it, it’s finally happening’

‘Yeah, from all our hard work…we did it’, said Deanne.

‘Oh Mark can you boil the kettle’, she added.

‘What, right now?’

The two give each other lingering gaze.

‘I don’t thing that’s a great idea Deanne, I’ll make you a coffee once we’ve made it, ok?’

The woman sighs.

‘I guess’

‘Going to be you cleaning up the mess if it gets everywhere, not me…how far till our staging point?’

‘Er, ten metres, so any moment….now’

The astronauts tap away at the terminals in front of them, running diagnostics, double checking everything.

‘Pre-flight checks out’

‘This is Light-Blazer to Command, pre-flight checks are green, we’re ready to warp, over’

‘Affirmative Light-Blazer, you are cleared for warp, Godspeed’