My First Book

Azun Larr Dragon Warrior, published on 26th November, 2022

This story began at the end of 2019, I started to jot down ideas and set the vision for it. Then at the beginning of 2020, I sat down and wrote, evolving my ideas along the way.

For over two years I’ve spent with this one, determined to finish, then edit, then edit again. Tidied it into a manuscript to be sent off (probably could have done better looking back now), and I did, I sent it off to my chosen agents/publishers. In a nutshell, it was a no.

Instead, I decided to go down the self-publishing route. Sure, I could have tried harder, I could have waited, and can always go for it again. Both ways have their pros and cons.

Though for Azun Larr: Dragon Warrior, I chose this path. Surfing the web for designers to produce a cover, I came across a group called 100 covers. Picked a service (print pack) and was soon contacted by a project manager, mine was Jamie, and over the course of November they produced, well, what you can see at the top of this post.

My cover came to life, and I thank Jamie and the team for their work. Whilst they were working on the cover, I tweaked my manuscript and formatted it into a size for the cover. Went to KDP and sorted out everything on their, then submitted my book for publishing.

Click here to get yours now, available in paperback and kindle/ebook versions.

Thank you for reading!

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